Shorinji Kempo


Shorinji Kempo (少林寺拳法 shōrinji-kenpō) a system for self-improvement and training (行: gyo or discipline) with many similarities to Shaolin kungfu, including using the same first three kanji. It was established in 1947 by Doshin So (宗 道臣 Sō Dōshin), a Japanese martial artist.

Shorinji Kempo is a system of “self-defense and training” (護身錬鍛: goshin-rentan), “mental training ” (精神修養: seishin-shūyō) and “promoting health” (健康増進: kenkō-zōshin), whose training methods are based on the concept that “spirit and body are not separable” (心身一如: shinshin-ichinyo) and that it is integral to “train both body and spirit” (拳禅一如: kenzen ichinyo). Through employing a well organized technical training schedule, (科目表: kamoku-hyō), Shorinji Kempo claims to help the practitioner”establish oneself” (自己確立: jiko-kakuritsu) and to promote “mutual comfort” (自他共楽: jita-kyōraku’). The philosophy and techniques of Shorinji Kempo are outlined in their handbook, (少林寺拳法教範: Shōrinji-kenpō-kyōhan).




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